RE: (PM) Re: Portmaster Users Digest V99 #35 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Fri, 12 Feb 1999 10:26:38 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Jake Messinger shaped the electrons to say...
>It does not cost that much to add the daughter card. THey COULD do what
>Ascend does and put the card in there and then you have to pay money to
>have a code to unlock its capability.

Actually I think in the 6000 it is just on the board now - same as the PM-4.

Think about the era when the PM-3 was designed.

USR TC - no HW compression.
Cisco AS5200 - no HW compression.
Ascend MAX 4000 - optional HW compression.

It is not unusual. Even since then - the Bay RAC8000's HW compression is
on an optional module. I believe the Cisco AS5300s is as well.


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