Re: (PM) Dial-in timeout setting? (fwd)

MegaZone (
Fri, 12 Feb 1999 10:30:30 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Adam Greene shaped the electrons to say...
>Huh! I never thought of that! It makes sense to me to have two RADIUS
>servers so that your users can still be authenticated even if the primary
>RADIUS server crashes.

That's the idea. Some sites will even split there setup - hald of their
NASen use one as a primary, the other as secondary - and the other half
reverse that. So that load is spread more evenly.

>But maybe it doesn't matter whether the primary or secondary RADIUS server
>authenticates them, as long as all the accounting records go to the same
>place so you can keep track of customer usage for billing purposes.

And the accountnig server can be completely independant for that matter.

This is one of the reasons that accounting packets are handled differently
from auth packets. The PM doesn't fall over to the secondary server as fast,
if I recall correctly it will cache up to approx. 75 acct packets, or wait
up to 10 minutes before giving up on the primary. So it tries to keep all
of your data in one place.


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