Re: (PM) Re: Portmaster Users Digest V99 #35 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Fri, 12 Feb 1999 10:38:31 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time John Vozza shaped the electrons to say...
>PLEASE tell me how you get it to work with NT. I have heard that NT does
>not support STAC and while I have no trouble getting it to work with Win9x
>I have never been successful under NT

Sorry, I think he spoke too soon. NT uses MPPC, M$'s private variation
on compression. (As opposed to 'MS-Stac' which is an actually true Stac
variant - Option 4 - just not 'normal' in the industry.) There have been
persistent on-again, off-again rumors that NT5, I mean W2K, will support
MS-Stac as well. But not to date.

You could RFE MPPC support, except for the first some-odd cards, the Stac
cards use the 9711 chip which can do it. (The older cards, before the 9711
was available, use a 9710.) However, since only NT uses it I'd have to say
the market demand is less than overwhelming. Especially since few NT machines
are actually being used for dialin clients. (Few in a comparative sense.)


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