Re: (PM) "badeedeedeep! We're sorry, all circuits are busy now..."

David Raistrick (
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 14:52:57 -0500 (EST)

On Thu, 19 Feb 1998, Dennis D. Baker, Jr wrote:

> >event, perhaps due to local construction..The day before, our data T1 was
> >killed, also..

> Ouch.. That hurt.. Contruction or like what happened to us a BellSouth Tech used one of the pairs feeding our data line to patch in one of our additional POTS down the street before we had switched to the PM3.

Yep...i was 97 miles away, when i realized it...went to check on something
or the other, and couldnt get in...Hmm...First i suspected our router, as
it has been prone to such thing...*shrug* Had to drive back, and check it
out...of course, by the time i got back, all was normal again...:(

> Nope, I don't belive it to be the PM3 The busy is actually set off by the TelCos' equipment.

That's what i assume, also..

> I have had this happen in the past.. Is it a fast beep? As in circuit busy. If so I have had

Nope. It rings (a normal ring!), and then picks up with the
recording.."We're sorry, all circuits...."

> Which BabyBell are you using? I'm on BellSouth.. Expensive but I have a fairly good team to work with.

BellSouth also...I guess now i wait on the management to kick MaBell in
the rear...(nope, i wont do it: Last time i talked to a vendor, i was
chewed out. So, if it takes longer, and never gets fixed right, it still
isnt my fault. I'm at the point where i could care less, anymore...but i

Thanks much...david

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