Re: [ Re: (PM) Re: Nationwide Access - Please no Dweebs (fwd)]

M Lyons (
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 14:08:33 -0800 (PST)

On Fri, 20 Feb 1998, Dick St.Peters wrote:

> We see some connections below 40k; we log connections ranging from 32k
> to 54k. This morning I picked a range of days and analyzed them. Our
> last 3785 flex connections have averaged 44.56k.

Our average rate for k56flex calls was 43.66kbps over this sample of the
last 6642 PCM calls to our modest network of 4 PM3's in 2 cities. In our
location, below 40k calls are certainly not unheard of, as you can see,
but they are definitely in the minority. If your modem negotiates a PCM
connection with us, you have about a 92% chance of getting a 42kbps or
better initial connection.

Of course, these are just the initial connect rates and the modems can and
do retrain during a call, so a measure of raw throughput would be required
to establish whether the modems initial reported connect rates might be
consistently too pessimistic or too optimistic, and to what extent the
retrains themselves affect overall throughput.

For me personally, our results vindicate k56flex as a protocol. While it
is certainly no better than X2, it is also not substantially worse,
especially considering that it's implementations are encumbered by
multi-vendor interoperability issues that do not (currently) affect X2.

My personal feeling is that, to end up with a k56flex average connect rate
in the low 30s, there must be some methodological flaw in the Boardwatch
study which causes it's results to vary from those seen in actual
practice. Karl Denninger's suggestion that their use of the latest, buggy
firmware in the client modems caused the skew is quite plausible.. but in
the world of magazine reviews and marketing pseudo-studies, thems the
breaks. The PM3 certainly wouldn't be the first product to suffer because
a magazine reviewer had a run of bad luck.

39 32000
17 34000
103 36000
255 38000
122 40000
2175 42000
2181 44000
1211 46000
94 48000
405 50000
40 52000


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