Re: (PM) ascend 2 b channel on demand

Kevin A. Smith (
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 12:11:35 -0800

At 10:19 AM 2/20/98 -0800, Jon Rust wrote:
>Descend requires the server to speak some special, proprietary protocol
>to use DBA. Why, I'll never know. My understanding is that Ascend's BACP

Argh Jon, check the facts:

BACP is a standard - not a proprietary protocol. RFC 2125.
[Lucent will be supporting this in ComOS 3.8 (Cisco already have support
for it in IOS 11.something)].

MP+ is the Ascend proprietary (i.e. pre-BACP) protocol. RFC 1934.

>is being used so that you can be on with both channels, make a phone
>call, dropping one channel, and the it will being the channel back to
>life when you hang up the phone. The way I understood it, Ascend's BACP
>was not being usd for rubber-bandwidth (ie, when traffic is high enough,
>bring up a second channel). Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

It is also used for that purpose.


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