Re: (PM) ascend 2 b channel on demand

Jon Rust (
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 13:46:46 -0800

On 2/20/98 12:11 PM proclaimed --

>At 10:19 AM 2/20/98 -0800, Jon Rust wrote:
>>Descend requires the server to speak some special, proprietary protocol
>>to use DBA. Why, I'll never know. My understanding is that Ascend's BACP
>Argh Jon, check the facts:
>BACP is a standard - not a proprietary protocol. RFC 2125.
>[Lucent will be supporting this in ComOS 3.8 (Cisco already have support
>for it in IOS 11.something)].
>MP+ is the Ascend proprietary (i.e. pre-BACP) protocol. RFC 1934.
>>is being used so that you can be on with both channels, make a phone
>>call, dropping one channel, and the it will being the channel back to
>>life when you hang up the phone. The way I understood it, Ascend's BACP
>>was not being usd for rubber-bandwidth (ie, when traffic is high enough,
>>bring up a second channel). Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
>It is also used for that purpose.

My bad. I thought the options for min/max/base disappeared once BACP was
selected, thus leaving MP+ as the only rubber-bandwidth option. I stand

My point was this: some routers don't require the server to do anything
special. Some routers have brains and can figure out to add drop channels
on their own. Ascend's can't. For those of using LE, Ascend simply
doesn't work *now*, and therefore has been entirely dropped from my
acceptable hardware list.


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