Re: Radius for NT *sighlet* (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Sun, 5 Nov 1995 22:23:42 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Jonah Barron Yokubaitis shaped the electrons to say...
>> I guess I shouldn't tell you who make's CISCO's terminal servers..
>Cisco Does, but that isn't the point.

We only make the 1020 - their version of the Office Router - as far as I
know. But I don't follow things like that too closely.

>I have seen megazone's technical posts (and i am sure he sends out 10X
>that in private e-mail) and they are *excellent* what i am referring to


>you *DO NOT* flame a customer, and you do not sit on a pedestal and talk
>downn to your customers. It is that simple.

I didn't think I was talking down to people. One person turned to
unwarranted personal attacks and I basically snubbed him. What I did
was mildly scalding, I have never really flamed someone on this list.
If I had screens would be melting still - I don't think I've yet lost
a flame war on the nets. I tend to be more subtle than the name calling
flames, I prefer sarcasm and dry wit mostly. I don't take kindly to
being attacked out of the blue and having someone insult my work, my
intellignce, my person, and calling for my termination.

I think this all started with one post I made, which I stated was my
*opinion* on the position of NT. I made that post and people went nuts,
and the insults started. I don't know why really. If I wasn't a Livingston
employee I seriously doubt people would have gotten so bent by it. The
fact that some did is illogical. I stated in the post that it was my
opinion, the entire post, and I thought that to be enough to set it apart
from any official Livingston statement.

Honestly I don't know what caused the flames to start, other than some
people seem to feel I shouldn't have an opinion.

I don't make personal attacks, but I also am not adverse to responding
to attacks against myself.


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