Re: All these flames

jsharp (
Sun, 5 Nov 1995 23:20:52 -0700 (MST)

I have been in the ISP business for just 2 months. In my research prior
to startup and aquisition of hardware, the Livingston Portmaster series
was hands down the top choice of those contacted. For most the "only" choice.
My setup runs so well I have to pinch myself sometimes to make sure it's
not a dream.
My feelings and those discussed previously, are a direct reflection of
the quality of your product, company, and it's personnel. Keep up the
good work...
This forum has tremendous value to me as an ISP. I appreciate and respect
the candor of it's members. Their frustration in trying to solve
problems beyond their respective expertise, and providing maximum system
availability and quality for their associates and/or customers.
I wish I had a magic wand to solve the long delays in your customer
support section. Only your management can deal with that problem. But at
least we here, can, and do, provide additional support beyond the
telephone support nightmare.
I see from the dates and times of your postings that you personally
devote much of your late evenings and weekends to provide help and
answers to us here. My many thanks for your unpaid dedication to this

If I can do for you someday what you have already done for me, let me know.

Joe Sharp
Owner: Pecos Valley Internet Access
Sharp Computer Services
Premier Printing Company