REPOST: Re: Radius for NT *sighlet* (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Sun, 5 Nov 1995 22:33:44 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Jonah Barron Yokubaitis shaped the electrons to say...
>Let me start over here (My last post was too harsh and wasn't what i


>Technical Support:
>My Recommendation: Please try and speed speed up emergency technical

On the way, we've just hired a new engineer and have been quite actively
interviewing others. We won't stop until we have enough people to handle
the workload.

>Customer Service: (on portmaster users)
>Pro: The list exists and is sponsored by livingston
>Megazone doesn't allow a question here to go unanswered (great job on

Thank you, but it's not quite true. Sometimes I just don't know the
answer off hand and don't have the time to search it out. As I said,
I answer questions here as time permits, some days time just doesn't
permit much

>Cons: Megazone's customer service skills are lacking tact. If a customer
>asks for something, a simple 'it is on our priority list, but lower than
>a few other things' (which was posted later)

Generally I think that's how I answer things. And my style when answering
email to support is different from the list. When I'm answering from
support, my opinions shouldn't enter into things. support isn't a discussion
group, it is an official support channel.

This list however is for public posting of questions and discussion of
the product, support, etc. It is quite common to find opinions here,
and I would think the list quite dull if it were pure technical data.
Besides, there is usually more than one way to do something, and that
is a matter of opinion.

When I answer something I usually toss in some sort of explanation. If
I have a personal opinion I might toss it in. If I have a broader opinion
to express I'll make a seperate post, to keep it from appearing as a personal
response to someone.

If I were making unwarranted attacks on a customer, or telling someone
they're stupid or something like that, I'd agree that I was out of line.
But I honestly don't know what is wrong with stating my opinions the
same as anyone else on this list can do. I never made an unprovoked
attack on anyone here, and if anything I said was perceived as an
unprovoked attack, for that I am sorry.


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