Re: Radius for NT *sighlet* (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Sun, 5 Nov 1995 22:40:43 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Mr. Omnipotent shaped the electrons to say...
>My employers policy is that when I am posting from root, or any other
>account specifically designated as representing the orginaztion (ie:
>staff, webmaster, etc.) that I am to have no opinion except as
>explicitally defined by them. However, when posting from any account
>NOT owned by the orginaztion I may say and do anything that I feel
>confortable with. I find this kinda draconian.....

Actually, I agree with that. Back at my last job we had an account
called 'support' for email handling. The philosophy was a bit different
than here, at Livingston each engineer answers email from our own accounts
are a responsible for what we say. We can't answer from a generic account
that anyone could use.

If you are writing from a generic account (support, root, webmaster, etc)
there is no name to readily tie to the mail and it naturally falls back
upon the organization. I agree that if someone is going to post an
opinion, it should be from their account, where they are responsible
for what they say.

If a president of similarly high-ranking person in a company posts, then
I can see how it directly ties to the corporation. That's one of the
things I don't envy at all, I would hate having to watch everything I say
to make sure it matched the party line.


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