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4 Installing User Notification       

ChoiceNet can notify users when it denies them access to a service or site. A pop-up window appears and displays the following message:

Access denied; ChoiceNet by Lucent

The users must be on PCs or Macintoshes. You must load the software that produces this pop-up notification on each user's computer. You must use the notify keyword at the end of a deny rule in a filter to cause the pop-up to appear.

If the user is on a UNIX computer, a deny notification is sent to the syslog daemon.

This chapter includes the following topics:

Pop-Up Installation on a PC

To install the pop-up on a PC from the CD-ROM, complete one of the following procedures:

Procedure A

1. Copy the /cdrom/unix/choicenet/notifier/pcpopup/choicene.exe file to the user's start-up directory.

2. Copy the /cdrom/unix/choicenet/notifier/pcpopup/choicen.ini file to the user's start-up directory.

3. Modify the choicen.ini file as desired to display a pop-up message different from the default.

4. Restart the PC.

Procedure B

1. Copy /cdrom/unix/choicenet/notifier/pcpopup/choicene.exe to C:\windows on the user's PC, and run choicene.exe to launch the pop-up.

2. Modify the choicen.ini file as desired to display a pop-up message different from the default.

Pop-Up Installation on a Macintosh

To install the pop-up on a Macintosh from the CD-ROM, complete the following steps:

1. Copy the /cdrom/unix/choicenet/notifier/macpopup file to the Macintosh desktop.

2. Double-click the icon to launch the pop-up.    

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