Re: (PM) Re: (ANNC) ComOS 3.9b26 available for open beta

Chris Cook (
Thu, 09 Dec 1999 16:15:05 -0600

Craig Baird wrote:
> Anyway, my point is that the PM3 modem code works fine for us, and for a
> number of other people. If it doesn't work fine for you, then it's got to
> be something peculiar to your environment (lines, telco, switch, etc)
> that the PM3 doesn't like.

So your saying that USR Windmodems, HCF Modems, HSP Modems work fine
with your PM3's??? I find that amazing... Those modems barely work, if
at all with our PM3's. Lucent has even acknowledged that they have a
problem with the HCF modems. All the above modems seem to work well
with Ascend and USR RAS equipment.


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