Re: (PM) Re: (ANNC) ComOS 3.9b26 available for open beta

Craig Baird (
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 16:02:00 -0700 (MST)

Amazingly enough, yes. Here's what we see:

HCF: These have always worked fairly well for us if the customer has the
latest firmware. Typical connects are in the mid 40's.

USR Winmodems: These have been working okay. Typical connects are in the
low 40's, but they tend to require speed-limiting init strings to knock
them down a bit. We've found that if we knock them down to about 37,666,
they work fine.

HSPs: These work pretty well too. With the 7.64 drivers, we see about
50,666 to 52,000. In fact we recently got our first customer with a
Gateway Astro (I think they use HSPs). Peter (from Lucent) reported
recently on the PMOD list that he was not able to get an Astro to connect
better than 14.4 without commas or an init string. I was expecting to
have to do the same thing. Turns out I didn't have to. The thing
connected at 50,666 the first time.

I don't want to make it sound like we don't have any problems. We have an
occasional HSP that has old drivers, and we don't know who made the
thing, so we can't upgrade. Cirrus Logics are always a pain in the butt,
but we've learned to lock them to V.34 and they work fine.

Other equipment may work better with these modems in your area, but I
talked with an ISP recently in another town about 100 miles from us. They
use 3Com Total Control stuff, and they can't get USR Winmodems to even
connect to them... and that's 3Com -> 3Com. I don't think any RAS is
immune to the problems inherent in V.90.

All in all, I'm very pleased with my PM3s, but from what I've heard, they
obviously have problems in some areas. All I'm saying is that you can't
expect Lucent to fix problems that they can't re-create. If modem X works
fine in their labs, but doesn't work for you, then the only way to get
modem X to work for you is to tell Lucent that there's a problem, and then
work with them to fix it. Either that, or buy another RAS. If you know
that another RAS works better in your area, and you're not willing to help
Lucent fix your PM3 problems, then maybe it's time you made a change.

Xpressweb Internet Services

On Thu, 9 Dec 1999, Chris Cook wrote:

> Craig Baird wrote:
> >
> > Anyway, my point is that the PM3 modem code works fine for us, and for a
> > number of other people. If it doesn't work fine for you, then it's got to
> > be something peculiar to your environment (lines, telco, switch, etc)
> > that the PM3 doesn't like.
> So your saying that USR Windmodems, HCF Modems, HSP Modems work fine
> with your PM3's??? I find that amazing... Those modems barely work, if
> at all with our PM3's. Lucent has even acknowledged that they have a
> problem with the HCF modems. All the above modems seem to work well
> with Ascend and USR RAS equipment.
> --
> Chris
> o----< >----------------------------------------o
> |Chris Cook - Technician | TCWORKS.NET - |
> |The Computer Works | FreeBSD - |
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