(PM) Euro PRI troubles...

Bert Driehuis (bert_driehuis@nl.compuware.com)
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 09:19:24 +0100

I am trying to move a Portmaster3 to a ISDN-30 PRI provided by Worldcom.
It used to be connected to an ISDN-30 provided by the incumbent Dutch
telco. The Worldcom techs say that the line is provisioned according to
the same specs (CRC4 framing, HDB3 encoding). And, the line actually
works. What worries me is the number of CRC4 and E-bit errors, and
especially the rate at which they increase:

portmaster1> sh line0
---------------------- line0 - E1 Primary Rate ISDN ---------------
Status: UP F1 Framing: CRC4 Encoding: HDB3 PCM: a-law
Bipolar 0
CRC4 302
E-bit 104
FAS bit 0

This is shortly after a reboot. Half an hour later, we're looking at 11167
CRC4 errors and 211 E-bit errors. Needless to say, this makes me queezy
enough to switch the line back.

Worldcom uses an Ericsson AXE/TL2 switch. They do not see any errors...
The errors on my end went away when I reconnected the old PRI. This
suggests that the issue is with Worldcom and not the Portmaster3. However,
I'm at a loss as to what to ask Worldcom to do to fix it.

Ideas, anyone?


-- Bert

Bert Driehuis, MIS -- bert_driehuis@nl.compuware.com -- +31-20-3116119
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