(PM) Netopia R2121 Dual Analog Router -> PM3

Tue, 16 Feb 1999 12:12:39 -0500 (EST)

PM3: Single unit, PRI, one phone number, all DN's set on serial ports.

R2121: v4.3.1 + v.90, dialing local same area code to PM3.

I saw a little talk about this in the 12/98 archives, but nothing too
specific. I have a user who is running a R2121 to call into a single PM3.
We have his radius account set up with Port-Limit = 2. What happens is
best summed up by a snip from the email that the user sent me:

> The problem is - the device drops sometimes and tries to
> reconnect 5 -6
> times quickly - if it does not log on it locks the port and dies...

Is there any way that when the router tries to establish its analog
multilink that a channel gets hung up - and when it dials back in
(quickly) the PM3 thinks its first multilink attempt is still bonded ??
(I.e. still at 2 ports (port limit)) ??

Or does someone think this could be a problem completely with the R2121
flaking out...

If anyone has one of these guys dialing into a PM3 doing multilink
successfully (in terms of if the device gets reset, it's not having too
much trouble dialing back in) please let me know...

I believe we have one of the routers in stock, I think Ill sign it out and
see what I can see...


Brandon Applegate, CCNA : Network Administrator
http://www.one.net : brandon@one.net

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