Re: (PM) looking for opinions - PM3 (fwd)

Tim Tsai (
Tue, 16 Feb 1999 10:55:19 -0600

On Mon, Feb 15, 1999 at 10:30:13PM -0800, MegaZone wrote:
> always been, such it is likely to always be. There was a period when the
> PM-3's modems were very poor, then they become great, now they have some
> trouble again - though I would not say they're exceptionally poor

I am not sure if the PM3's modem code was ever "great", but that's
probably arguable. Also, just exactly what are you basing this on? Most
people on the list base this on the amount of tech support calls they
have to deal with. Since you don't run PM3 boxes, where is this data
coming from?

> I'm more than confident that Lucent's modem code will continue to improve,
> and that there will again be a point in time when they are on the rise
> and someone else is on the decline. Anyone who tries to jump back and forth
> in the NAS market based on changes like this will find themselves in trouble.

That's why we've had PM3's for more than 2 years and we've pursuaded
*all* our clients to drop USR and move to Lucent but it can be very

> What do you want then to do, keep holding your hand and saying "Of *course*
> we're working on new modem code?" *DUH!* You'd have to be in a coma not
> to see something so obvious.

I beg to differ here. Input from engineering is a lot more forthcoming
with USR. Although with Ed on this list, I do expect the modem side to
improve. He's been great at comp.dcom.modems answering LT Winmodem
questions. As far as reporting the problems to support, we *have*. The
problem is, and you might not have noticed this recently, support is more
or less a blackhole with Lucent at this point. We submit maybe 2 problem
reports per year and we never get any feedback on these after the initial
question or two. There is no concept of closure with Lucent on trouble
tickets which is laughable compared to any other vendor that we deal
with. You work at GTEi and you should know what I am talking about.
GTEi has perhaps the best support system that we have to deal with

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