Re: (PM) looking for opinions - PM3 (fwd)

Tim Tsai (
Tue, 16 Feb 1999 11:39:18 -0600

On Mon, Feb 15, 1999 at 10:30:13PM -0800, MegaZone wrote:
> report, then report it to support. If you just want to bitch, save it.
> If you don't feel that they are responding fast enough to suit you, then sell
> your HW to one of the many people who are desperate for a used PM and buy
> something else, and pray you made the right decision. Yelling at Lucent
> is not going to work new modem code through engineering and test any faster.

BTW, I really wish you would stop coming back to this argument.

I am here voicing my opinions because I like Lucent and PM3. Otherwise,
I'd have thrown every one of our PM3's out the window long time ago and
bought something else (and maybe ended up throwing them out too) or stop
being an ISP altogether.

Fact is, Lucent will never know what customers want or need unless they
pay attention to their support issues and monitor this mailing list. I
am here also to see if others are having the same problem and I am
definitely not alone on this. Companies that stifle this are doomed to
failure as shown repeatedly by history. I realize you don't speak for
Lucent anymore, but a lot of people still see you as a big part of
Livingston, and my opinion is that such attitude on this list is much
worse than tons of complaints. I know you are passionate about PM3/Lucent
but so am I - I am here to figure out what we can do about the problems
not simply to bitch. IMHO.

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