Re: (PM) Two weeks later, and still no working ComOS

Chris Conn (
Wed, 22 Jul 1998 18:03:22 -0400 (EDT)

Hello to all,

I am getting very sick and tired of hearing this mailing list complain
about the PM3 beta codes. This code is deemed BETA for the simple reason
that it is not proven to be stable, so complaining about it will not do a
damn thing. Same goes for V.90, it is in BETA, TESTING, UNSTABLE, say it
the way you want but it doesn't mean that since it is available in BETA
(must I say it again?) that suddenly it is standard and expected to work?
Anyone putting beta (that's BETA) code in a production environment should
be ready to face the consequences. I am also very tired of reading about
complaints about the friggin' web site. If its too slow for you, get a
faster net connection, or don't go at all. As far as I know, doing FTP
doesn't require you to go to the web site (or did nobody tell you?) The
web site does not make the company, so who cares anyway? I can't conceive
that anyone would stop buying a product simply because the web site takes
too long to load??? LUDICROUS!

I never have and never will run beta code, beta code is for beta testers,
the ones who don't complain but comment on its functionality. I however
am patiently awaiting 3.8 so I can FINALLY do OSPF over point to point
links. I could run beta code, yes, but no I won't until I see 3.8.
Anybody who is claiming they are losing customers because Lucent doesn't
support V.90 "properly" is not structured as they should be or they are
not taking the time to explain that V.90 is not yet a "real" standard and
that it is still in testing to their customers. ISPs will not profit from
V.90, modem vendors will. If ISPs were to stop and think for 2 seconds
they would realize that.

In conclusion, stop the gripe and get back to informational and useful
information rather than tear jerking violin playing posts that will do
nothing else than make this mailing list as well as yourselves look bad.


Chris Conn

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