Fwd: Re: (PM) Two weeks later, and still no working ComOS

Patrick Kormann (pkormann@datacomm.ch)
Sat, 18 Jul 1998 00:00:34 +0200


I think that's very true. Just a little reaction just as 'yes we know that
may be a problem'... Can help a lot. At least you don't think you're the
only one with the roblem anymore.=20
What I don't understand are those lucent-addicts that say - If a brand of
modems does not work, it has to be the modems fault, not Lucent's. Well.
believe me, ur customers don't care at all that lucent is doing a fine job
with other modems. If their modem doesn work thei're off to another
provider. It's really a pitty - we've pend several $100'000 to migrate from
'self made' linux-boxes with some analog lines connected to it (or BRI) to
PM3s just to have all those connetcion-problems ow. We still run one of the
linux boxes for all those people that can't connect just to find out wether
it's their setup or their/our modem. Needless to say that ost modems
connect perfectly on those 'shitty' (sorry) old modems that are connected
to the linux box.
Do we have to buy PM2s??

>At 17:29 17.07.98 -0400, you wrote:
>> I have to agree with Larry here.. One of the small secrets to successful
>>business I've found has nothing to do with how good your product is
>>(although yes, evantually you do have to deliver) but how well you
>>communicate with your customers. I've found that just letting a customer
>>know on a FREQUENT basis that you have progress or even NO progress can
>>sooth the soul more then you can believe.=20
>> I've stayed out of these wars quite a bit because I had faith in
>>Lucent/Livingston but as I get my first PM3 going I too get very worried
>>because Lucent in my view has made no good effort to keep us informed.
>>Lucent would go a long way to make a secondary announcement list where the
>>development team posted at least a weekly report of the success and
>>failures they were having. At least it would give us all something to do
>>rather then just spend more time ranting.=20
>> In my 3 years camping on this list I dont think I've seen this
>>much anger flying around (for such a long period) so I warn all those
>>camping Lucent like types that perhaps you should be very careful on the
>>fine wire you walk on.
>> Paul
>>Paul Andersen (InterNIC:PA137) paul@egate.net
>>System Administrator T: +1 (416) 447-8505x23
>>E-Gate Communications Inc. F: +1 (416) 447-6447
>>Toronto, Ontario P: www.egate.net/pagepaul
>>On Fri, 17 Jul 1998, Larry Vaden wrote:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: I don't work for Lucent RABU <livingston@iav.com>
>>> To: portmaster-users@livingston.com <portmaster-users@livingston.com>
>>> Date: Friday, July 17, 1998 1:46 PM
>>> Subject: Re: (PM) Two weeks later, and still no working ComOS
>>> |However, how many times need you be reminded that this is
>>> |
>>> What you see is what we've got for an official channel.
>>> Lucent RABU management is free to post a complete list of the=
>>> issues they recognize and are working on, as well as any workarounds=
>>> IBM) they are aware of due to their unique position (more global
>>> Communicating is an important skill and Lucent RABU management is free=
>>> demonstrate their ability to do so.
>>> -
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>>To unsubscribe, email 'majordomo@livingston.com' with
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Mit freundlichen Gr=FCssen

Patrick Kormann
DataComm (Schweiz) AG
Projektleiter Technik=20

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