Re: (PM) SLC Series-5 -> PM2E (fwd)

Jon Lewis (
Sun, 21 Jun 1998 14:01:53 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 21 Jun 1998, MegaZone wrote:

> 26.4K eh? This sounds familiar. This is the speed V.34 modems are reduced
> to if the telco is multiplexing lines on an SLC. There are two basic ways
> to use an SLC.

I'm in the same boat. I get 26.4 on good days on ethier of my home's

> OR, in areas suffering form trunk shortage, places the telco doesn't feel
> they'll make money, etc, you can run *2* T1 trunks (and a 3rd for backup)
> and MUX it so that there are 2 lines on each DS0. Each line gets only half
> a channel. The most commonly reported symptom of this is connect rates
> hit a 26.4K ceiling.
> If this is what the telco has done, you're basically out of luck. Because

Not necessarily. While talking to some telco people, I was told some
really interesting stuff. Apparently, IIRC, the two modes you describe
above are mode 1 and mode 2...mode 2 is where each DS0 is shared by 2
analog lines...again IIRC. The interesting bit was that an SLC in mode 2
cannot support ISDN if you're fed by such an SLC and order ISDN,
odds are pretty good they'll have to convert at least part of the SLC to
mode 1. To some, it might actually be worth ordering ISDN, having the SLC
converted, and then cancelling and eating the ISDN installation fee.

Jon Lewis <> | Spammers will be winnuked or
Network Administrator | drawn and quartered...whichever
Florida Digital Turnpike | is more convenient.
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