Re: (PM) SLC Series-5 -> PM2E (fwd)

Russ Taylor (
Sun, 21 Jun 1998 08:54:41 -0700

On 6/21/98 1:46 AM, MegaZone ( wrote

>The telco is under NO obligation to improve this connection if they have
>it setup as above. It provides the service they are obligated to provide,
>and does so quite effectively. This happens a lot in areas with rapid
>growth. They can't bring in trunks fast enough, and MUXing doubles
>capacity immediately.

If the telco sells internet and provides better quality lines to itself,
is there room for a complaint there? Seems like a nice big, fat CofI.

Russ Taylor (,
The worst beating I ever got in my life is when my mom said
"I am sick" and I said "and tired" -- Bill Cosby

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