Re: (PM) PMVision Suite of Tools

Chris Adams (
7 Jun 1998 02:18:55 GMT

According to Joe Hartley <>:
>"Mark E. Mallett" <> wrote:
>> I don't see where it says that. Looks like he posted this to assure
>> us that command line utilities will continue to exist, although
>> in a form that requires a java runtime environment. I don't know
>> that that's a big problem, other than aesthetically :-)
>It's a problem for me - I'm still running SunOS 4.1.4 on the IPX here
>at home, and Sun's specifically not got a JRE for that OS. Looks like
>I'm limited to the (shudder) Windoze box for this.

Have you looked at any of the non-Sun free Java runtime environments
like Kaffe ( - lists SunOS 4.x support) or Japhar
( They don't do so well with
GUIs yet in my experience, but with command line programs, they might
work okay.

Java is an "open" system, and Sun is not the only source of a JRE.

Chris Adams -
System Administrator - Renaissance Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.
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