Re: (PM) gte pri's...

Jon Rust (
Wed, 18 Feb 1998 09:20:23 -0800

On 2/18/98 7:10 AM proclaimed --

>am in process of ordering gte pri's in several areas...
>will those of you that have experienced and implemented this speak up on
>how things went and how your pri's are provisioned or eventually were
>provisioned after ummm a crappy first "swing"...
>perosnally, ive nbever had a problem with gte and everything the have done
>for me has been bullet proof.
>thank you!
> - rh

GTE won't sell me anymore PRI. You see, they are trying to run their own
ISP. The tougher they make it for you/me/us, the better off they are. I
haven't heard back from the PUC yet. rrrrrrr

They also don't understand facility associated very well. The PM's don't
support NFAS (yet!), so you gotta pound it into them. "I need 1 active
D-Channel per PRI. I need 1 active D-Channel per PRI. I need 1 active
D-Channel per PRI." If you say it enough, they'll listen eventually.

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