Re: (PM) gte pri's...

David Giller (
Wed, 18 Feb 1998 11:40:43 -0800

> GTE won't sell me anymore PRI. You see, they are trying to run their own
> ISP. The tougher they make it for you/me/us, the better off they are. I
> haven't heard back from the PUC yet. rrrrrrr
> They also don't understand facility associated very well. The PM's don't
> support NFAS (yet!), so you gotta pound it into them. "I need 1 active
> D-Channel per PRI. I need 1 active D-Channel per PRI. I need 1 active
> D-Channel per PRI." If you say it enough, they'll listen eventually.

I thiink it's luck of the draw. We have had very good luck with GTE.
We have equipment in both USWest and GTE territory, and I must say that
GTE wins hands down.

WRT PRI provisioning, the GTE sales guy I talked to knows PRI fairly well,
which helped. I also faxed him Lucington's tech note on PRI provisioning
for the PM3, which HE said answered all the questions he was about to ask
me. The thing went in ahead of schedule (by some 4 days), and the guy
sitting at the switch console had me on the line while he activated it, and
he did the end-to-end tests himself. Everyone was friendly. At least here,
the GTE guy first offered to subcontract dial-up for us (interesting
alternative to a POP, but $$$), but also said he'd sell me PRIs all day

Don't even get me started on USWest. We don't have as many lines as some
people, but it still amazes me that not a single line of any sort (T1,
ISDN, analog metered, or even our business voice lines) has gone in without
a MAJOR fiasco. To a one. And on ALMOST every single change, they have
billed us for more service than they installed. As far as PRIs are
concerned, USWest is (again, no exaggeration) over 60% more expensive
for INFERIOR SERVICE and METERED USAGE than our GTE pop 4 miles away with
full service.

Keep on it with the PUC. They may be slow, but hey man, they're a
government agency.

David Giller - ( - (
    Graydog Internet, Inc. - Portland Internetworks
       Wide Area Networking - Internet - Intranet
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