Re: (PM) Some additional news on 3.7.2c3

Dick St.Peters (
Wed, 18 Feb 1998 14:21:29 -0500

> I've also seen 50K on mine. Motorola Momdemsurfer dialed out through an
> Adtran Express XRT carried over BRI outbound (to test) to PRI inbound
> off the same CO/switch. I didn't have a POTS line to test through...

I only installed 3.7.2c3 over the weekend, so it's premature to draw
extensive conclusions, but our frequency of 50k connects has nearly
doubled. Also, we seem to have a lot more sessions that disconnect at
the same speed they connect at; our users connecting at 50k are
staying there for the duration.

OTOH, we haven't had a single 52k connect since upgrading. It's not
unusual for us to go a day or two without one though.

> The best I've seen over a POTS line was about 44K. Telco is GTE-CA.

All our users are calling from POTS lines. Our most common flex speed
on disconnect since upgrading has been 46k.

Lines are PRIs, telcos are Bell Atlantic and ACC.

Dick St.Peters, 
Gatekeeper, NetHeaven, Saratoga Springs, NY, 1-800-910-6671 (voice)
	  First Internet service based in the 518 area code
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