(PM) gte pri's...

Todd R. Eigenschink (todd@tekinteractive.com)
Wed, 18 Feb 1998 10:45:27 -0500

Robert Hanson writes:
>am in process of ordering gte pri's in several areas...
>will those of you that have experienced and implemented this speak up on
>how things went and how your pri's are provisioned or eventually were
>provisioned after ummm a crappy first "swing"...
>perosnally, ive nbever had a problem with gte and everything the have done
>for me has been bullet proof.

Ours worked OK the first time, with the following exceptions:

1) They installed it two days late
2) Once it was installed, the translations were wrong, and data
calls were being routed off to never-never-land.
3) Once they got *that* fixed, we worked out the digital padding.
0 padding works great.
4) *Then* I found out that I couldn't do 64K data. Turns out
that the CO from which they installed the PRIs didn't have any
64K trunking to it. (There was already an internal order
entered for that, which was completed a couple weeks later.
All our previous BRIs had actually come from a different CO,
from which they run all BRIs in the city. PRIs are handled

(OK, so it didn't really work the first time. :)

During that catastrophe, I managed to get names of & direct phone
numbers for two really sharp switch guys, and have used them on
several occasions to get problems resolved without going through a
(4-day, usually) trouble-ticket process. That alone made all the pain
with the PRIs worthwhile.

I think you'll have success that varies with the experience of the
people configuring the switch. If they haven't configured a PRI for
modem usage before, you'll probably have some problems and need to
help them along. Right now, if I ordered another one, I know the same
guys would be doing it, and it would probably get done lickety-split.

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