Re: (PM) Win95 Software Compression (fwd)

Stefan Hudson (
Mon, 16 Feb 1998 14:08:50 -0800

On Sat, Feb 14, 1998 at 06:20:37PM -0800, MegaZone wrote:
> >Stac compression won't have any benefit if V.42Bis is turned on in the
> >modem, and I doubt any of your users have V.42Bis turned off.
> Actually, in general, Stac AND V.42bis has lower latency and higher data
> flow than V.42bis alone - but not as high as Stac alone. (Adding in the
> V.42bis slows things down.) Basically because most CPUs are far faster
> at doing the compression than the modems, and you also avoid a serial
> port bottleneck.

This is really interesting. This is exactly the point that I was
arguing back in September, and that it was a bad idea to disallow both
types of compression. You claimed that running both would INCREASE
latency, but now you're saying that it would, in fact, be better to
run both protocols than just V.42bis.

>From a user support viewpoint, it would be a lot easier to just tell
people to check the "Enable Software Compression" box in Win95, and
let them run both, even if it is slightly slower than STAC alone.
Currently, it's not practical to support STAC on modem links because
the user has to go and figure out what init string they need to turn
V.42bis off in a lot of cases.

No offense intended, MZ, but does this change of view have anything
to do with the fact that you're no longer at Lucent? I've never
thought of you as much of a "party line" type...

     /// Stefan Hudson <>  
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