Re: (PM) Foreign Exchanges and Connect Speeds (fwd)

Jim Lohiser (
Fri, 13 Feb 1998 18:40:54 -0500

> >Once upon a time Jim Lohiser shaped the electrons to say...
> >>Currently we are running a PM3 with a foreign exchanged trunk (FXS loop
> >>start). Connect speeds are actually worse that our analog modems.
> >
> >Yep - FXS Loop will get the lowest performance on CT1, and won't do PCM
> >connects at al.
> Are you saying that there is NO way to do PCM connects with
> a foreign exchange with CT1? Why would it matter where the
> PM3 is located? I'm trying to set up 24 trunks across the lata
> line. PRI is not available there, only CT1. Can I do this (with
> PCM connects) with the PM3 on my end?
> Don

The Lucent engineer that I talked to said that it was impossible to get PCM
connect speeds using FXS loop start, which is what is used on a foreign
exchanged trunk (at least in our Ameritech area). As a matter of fact, he
said it was basically impossible to do 33.6k connections because it was line
side terminated.

Does anyone know if there is a different way to do a foreign exchange that
will work and not cause any connect speed degradation? Is it possible to get
a foreign exchanged CT1 with E&M wink and that is trunk side terminated? How
about a foreign exchanged PRI (PRI's are always supposed to be truck side
terminated)? Is a foreign exchanged CT1 always FXS loop start, even in other
parts of the country?

Somehow I feel I must have missed the information that should have been
screamed to me time and time again when purchasing the equipment and setting
up the lines; "YOU CAN'T DO THAT WITH THOSE LINES." Talk about learning the
hard way :-)

Jim Lohiser
Accounts Manager
Modern Explorations
440-729-2545 FAX

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