Re: (PM) Foreign Exchanges and Connect Speeds (fwd)

Don Lashier (
Fri, 13 Feb 1998 08:16:18 -0800

On 2/13/98, at 2:32 AM, MegaZone wrote:
>Once upon a time Jim Lohiser shaped the electrons to say...
>>Currently we are running a PM3 with a foreign exchanged trunk (FXS loop
>>start). Connect speeds are actually worse that our analog modems.
>Yep - FXS Loop will get the lowest performace on CT1, and won't do PCM
>connects at al.

Are you saying that there is NO way to do PCM connects with
a foreign exchange with CT1? Why would it matter where the
PM3 is located? I'm trying to set up 24 trunks across the lata
line. PRI is not available there, only CT1. Can I do this (with
PCM connects) with the PM3 on my end?


Don Lashier
Newport Internet

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