Re: (PM) Radius (fwd)

Kelley Lingerfelt (
Thu, 6 Nov 1997 21:01:53 -0500 (EST)

On Thu, 6 Nov 1997, Systems Administrator wrote:

> Why not write a simple script that uses pmwho and pmcomm, freeware, to
> check if there is multiple users on, place it in your crontab to run every
> 5 or 10 minutes and you have a free method of preventing multiple logins.
> Such a script can be made to have exempt customers, multiple portmasters
> and more. The script is out there, I have one running on my system.

The only thing I don't like about this, is that it can take quite a long
time to get around the horn, to telnet into all the PMs, I am going to
work on one here, that will log into all the PMs and stay logged in, like
the chkmodems prog does. The best I can tell, it doesn't cause any
problems with the PMs, and it gets around the horn pretty well. I have it
running on our 4 PM3's here, and it appears to make the entire round in
about a second.

Does anyone have any input on how this type prog would scale, if one had
30 or 40 PMs you wanted to monitor this way? My main concern would be
error recovery, if one of the PMs timed out, or was down. How would the
program handle this. I know the chkmodems program, will every now and then
time out, and that she stops right there and you have to restart it.


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