(PM) Solution to simul logins

Dax Kelson (dkelson-portmaster@inconnect.com)
Thu, 6 Nov 1997 19:15:57 -0700

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Flavin <tim@i1.net>
To: portmaster-users@livingston.com <portmaster-users@livingston.com>
Date: Thursday, November 06, 1997 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: (PM) Radius (fwd)

>I have been using PMMON for about a year now, I have yet to see it screw
>something up that was not my fault in the first place.
>If all you want is basic no multiple logins, this is a very nice way to do
>it. I have it running on a machine that ssh is the only way to gain
>access to it.

Agreed. I have been using PMMON for about 15 months and it works great, no
problems. I let RADIUS handle authentication and let PMMON enforce the
rules I've setup.

PMMON is VERY nice. You can different types of rules apply to different
users. For example, we let business accounts have two simul connections
from 6am - 6pm, and one at night, normal "personal" accounts are always
restricted to one simul login. Of course, a business may purchase
additional daytime or nighttime connections in whatever increments they
choose, and PMMON handles this too.

Although RADIUS can do this now, we let PMMON enforce max connect time.
Also, when the number of free ports drops to a defined threshold PMMON can
enforce a lower max connect time.

PMMON is EXTREMELY powerful, and has saved us LOTS of money by allowing us
to use our modem/ISDN pool in the most efficient way possible.

It also works with other termservers (USR,CISCO,BAY, etc) all at the same
Check it out. http://www.pmmon.com
Dax Kelson
Internet Connect, Inc. - A satisfied PMMON user

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