Re: (PM) Retrains causing ~13 second 'hang'?

Jacob Suter (
Wed, 05 Nov 1997 20:15:12 -0600

Ryan Cashin wrote:
> I have a customer playing quake (i know)... says it hangs every once in a
> while. Turns out there is a ~13 sec hang everytime his connect retrains.

13 seconds is pretty rough..

> Normal?
> Any way to turn off retrains?
> Shouldn't trans/receive rate change after retrain?
> Is 12 retrains in 30 minutes excessive? Is that caused by noise in the line?
> This caller retrains every 2-3 minutes but I have another connection on for
> 26 hrs with 16 retrains... normal?

the 16 retrains in 26 hours is reasonable... the 2-3 minutes isn't..
I'd bet either he has call waiting, or a line problem... get him to
unplug any other phone accessories (especially those that also plug into
AC or an adapter) and try again.. also he may want to check his line
polarity (its important!)... Its most likely a telco issue (crappy
line, water in line, water in box, crappy bonding & grounding, etc etc

Also I have witnessed first hand timing slips on the T1 trunks used on
remotes, if thats the case you're in for a long fight to get nothing
(most likely)...

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