Re: compatible protocol error?

Bubba Smith (
Tue, 29 Jul 1997 15:12:33 -0400

I feel your pain. We have a PM3 with comos 3.5c6 and constantly get that
with our win95 folks. Reload TCP/IP in Network and it goes away. I've been
told that it's the OS...maybe BILL will address this next time around.

Bubba Smith
Premier Internet Services

> From: RCIP Support <>
> To:
> Subject: compatible protocol error?
> Date: Tuesday, July 29, 1997 2:14 PM
> We are experiencing an error with our windows 95 customers. They dial us
> up and they get the "dial up networking can not negotiate a compatible
> of network protocols specified in the server type settings in the control
> panel." About 80 percent of our customers are experiencing this. We
> put the patches on our site to help fix this problem but they are only
> temporary fixes(isdn accelerator pack and ras2upd). The strange part is
> even have customers with OSR2 that get the error. We didn't ever have
> error until we changed servers to NT4.0 and upgraded our comos to
> on a pm2e. We also have a pm2e with a comos of 3.3.3. We also have a pm3
> with a comos of 3.5.1b8. We can't exactly pin point were the error is
> occuring but it seems like it happens mostly on the pm2e with a comos of
> 3.5.1b17. I would appreciate any suggestions because this error is very
> frustrating to our customers.
> ____________________________________
> Todd Hymas
> RiverCity InterNet Technical Support
> 916.491.0600
> ____________________________________