compatible protocol error?

RCIP Support (
Tue, 29 Jul 1997 11:14:16 -0700

We are experiencing an error with our windows 95 customers. They dial us
up and they get the "dial up networking can not negotiate a compatible set
of network protocols specified in the server type settings in the control
panel." About 80 percent of our customers are experiencing this. We have
put the patches on our site to help fix this problem but they are only
temporary fixes(isdn accelerator pack and ras2upd). The strange part is we
even have customers with OSR2 that get the error. We didn't ever have this
error until we changed servers to NT4.0 and upgraded our comos to 3.5.1b17
on a pm2e. We also have a pm2e with a comos of 3.3.3. We also have a pm3
with a comos of 3.5.1b8. We can't exactly pin point were the error is
occuring but it seems like it happens mostly on the pm2e with a comos of
3.5.1b17. I would appreciate any suggestions because this error is very
frustrating to our customers.
Todd Hymas

RiverCity InterNet Technical Support