Re: compatible protocol error?

Mike Taylor (
Tue, 29 Jul 1997 14:02:12 +0000 ( )

On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, RCIP Support wrote:

> We are experiencing an error with our windows 95 customers. They dial us
> up and they get the "dial up networking can not negotiate a compatible set
> of network protocols specified in the server type settings in the control
> panel." About 80 percent of our customers are experiencing this. We have

Installing Dial-Up Networking on Windows 95 Script.

Your P.C. may have Dial-Up Networking installed.

If it is it can found by double-clicking on the icon "My Computer".
A new window will appear titled "My Computer".
Look in this window for Dial-Up Networking.
If you find Dial-Up Networking go to the section Configuring Your
WIN95 P.C. for Dial-Up Networking. You may need to have your WIN95
installation disk or CD-ROM available to continue.

Installing Dial-Up Networking.

1. In the window "My Computer" double-click on the icon "Control Panel"
then double-click on "Add/Remove Programs". This will open a window
called "Add/Remove Programs Properties". In it you will find three folder

2. Click on "Windows Setup".

3. Double-click on "Communications".

4. Select Dial-Up Networking by putting your pointer on the square next to
Dial-Up Networking and clicking once. A check mark should appear in the

5. Close this window by clicking on the "OK" button.

6. Click on the Folder Tab "Install/Uninstall".

7. Click on the "Install" button.

8. It may prompt you for a diskette or CD-ROM disk if it cannot find the
program Dial-Up Networking on your hard drive.

9. Close the "Add/Remove Programs Properties".

Configuring your WIN95 P.C. for Dial-Up Networking

1. Double-click on the "Network" icon in the "Control Panel" window.

2. Click on "Dial-Up Adapter" to select it.

3. Click on the "Add" button.

4. Click on "Protocol".

5. Click on the "Add" button.

6. Click on "Microsoft".

7. Click on "TCP/IP" in the "Network Protocols:" window.

8. Click on the "OK" button.

9. The Network Protocols "Microsoft DLC" and "NetBEUI" are not
supported over Dial-Up Networking, "IPX" is not supported on the
internet. If those are listed, please remove them.

Configuring TCP/IP

10. You should now be back in the "Network" window. Within this window
you will see the box "The following network components are installed:"
Double click on "TCP/IP" (short cut- hit the "t" key to get
here fast and then double click).

11. Select the tab "IP Address".

12. Highlight the radio button "Obtain an IP address automatically".

13. Select the tab "DNS Configuration".

14. Highlight the radio button "Enable DNS".

14.1 In the box labled "Host:" enter your username. In the box labled
"Domain" enter

15. Enter your DNS servers IP address in the field below " DNS Server
Search Order". Click "Add" adjacent to it.

Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:

15.1 Select WINS configuration. Highlight Disable WINS resolution.

16. Go to the bottom of this window and click on "OK".

22. Click on "OK" to close the "Network" window. It may prompt you to
restart your computer now. Click on "Yes".

Making a New Connection

1. Double click on the icon "My Computer".

2. Double click on the folder "Dial-Up Networking".

3. Double click on the icon "Make New Connection".

4. Type the name of the location that you are dialing. (jeffnet)

5. Verify that the correct modem type is specified. Use the down arrow to
select the correct type.

6. Click on "Configure".

7. Select the "General" tab.

8. Verify that the "Port" setting is set to the port that your modem is on.

9. Verify the Maximum speed is set to the highest port speed that your
P.C. and modem will support. Use the down arrow to select the appropriate
speed. i.e.. 14,400 modems generally have a maximum port speed of 57,600
and they are supported on a vast number of P.C.'s. If you have a 16550
UART and a 28,800/V34 modem use a maximum port speed of 115200. Note: the
safest speed is 9600, it is the least common denominator and should work
with every P.C. and modem however, it will be slow.

10. The "Connection and "Options" tabs allow you to customize these
features. Use the defaults for each of these. "Do NOT change anything!"

11. Click on "OK" at the bottom of this window.

12. Click on "Next>".

13. Type in the Area code and Phone number of the JEFFNET server.

14. Before you click on "Finish" read the text that tells you how to edit
this later. Now click on "Finish".

Connecting - Dialing into the Internet/Network

1. Double click on the location icon that you just created. It is in the
Dial-Up Networking window.

2. Type in the "User name" and "Password" of your account that your
ISP/Administrator has assigned you for this connection. Note: Both entries
are upper/lower case sensitive. Your "User name" will default to the your
computer's software registration name and is NOT likely to be correct for
this connection.

3. Verify that the phone number is correct for the location that you are
calling to.

4. Do NOT select "Dial Properties" unless you are using a calling card.

5. Click on "Connect".

6. Watch the diagnostic messages for the status of your connection.

Troubleshooting Your Dial-Up Networking

1. "The modem is not plugged in or out of service"

a. Plug in the modem with a straight through cable.
b. Plug the modem in and turn it on.
c. Set the Maximum speed to 9600.

If you are unsure of the maximum speed that your computer or modem supports
select 9600 and move it up as you make successful connections.

2. "Enter your password to connect." You are getting this message because
either your "User name" or "Password" is incorrect. Remember that capitol
letters and spelling counts here. Another remote possibility is that your
account is not set-up yet (call your ISP/Administrator).

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