Re: WELL???

David Davies (
Tue, 29 Jul 1997 11:59:02 -0400

> > Ok, I'm tired of waiting for you guys to call me back. If I don't know
> > what is wrong I can't tell the telco or you to fix it. Apparently you
> > don't even know what the problem is and you designed the product. If I
> > don't hear that you have figured out at least what the problem is soon,
> > they will become a part of someone's at LE's human anatomy. If I do
> > to return the product I will flood the net with trash about how
> > LE support has become. The only reason we went with the PM3 is because
> > support on the PM2 was so great, but it looks like LE has resorted to
> > US Robotics way of fixing things!
> >

Oooh physical threats.... Do you take candy from babies also? C'mon buddy
get some semblance of a clue and describe your problem. I'm sure someone
here can help. Just because your diaper needs changin' don't cry to us.
Last time I called in to support they called back within minutes. Although
I didn't threaten to shove equipment.....well you know. So what's the
broken unit and just what the heck isn't it doing..?

David Davies
Director, Internet Services
Buckeye Internet Services, Ltd.
"Through the modem, past the NAP, around the World, nothing but Net...."