Re: WELL???

Dave Cates (
Tue, 29 Jul 1997 10:21:39 -0600

First of all I post stuff in the users group with no responses, so I
figured I could get some recognized if I just kept posting over and over.
LE knows what is wrong, but just to let you know we are losing about 40% of
our calls to either lost carrier or "port error unknown state" and LE as I
said doesn't know what the hell is happening and I have had a ticket open
for a month with basically no response or investigation. All I want to
know is what is wrong so I can tell someone to fix it.


At 06:53 AM 7/29/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Now now... if you're gonna flood the list you might as well tell us what
>the problem is. Or at least what the symptoms are... That is, if you want
>a solution...

Dave Cates
I-NET of New Mexico
'if it was easy everyone would do it'