Re: WELL???

David Davies (
Tue, 29 Jul 1997 12:36:59 -0400

> I described the problem weeks back, but obviously the only people that
> a response in the users group is whiners. It isn't just a unit it is
> units.
> LE knows what is wrong, but just to let you know we are losing about 40%
> our calls to either lost carrier or mostly "port error unknown state" and
> LE as I said doesn't know what the hell is happening and I have had a
> ticket open for a month with basically no response or investigation. All
> want to know is what is wrong so I can tell someone to fix it.

Send over your line config from your units and the line config the telco
gave you. I've got equipment running on various line set-ups and switch
types maybe I could catch something. Also one of our biggest problems is
that the info that TELCO gives us isn't always correct. a lot of times the
lines are configed differently than they say.

Both of these could be causing what your describing. We had a PM3 do
exactly that until I got someone with a clue on the phone from Amerirek.

Switch type.
Line type and config
Line Config from unit

David Davies
Director, Internet Services
Buckeye Internet Services, Ltd.
"Through the modem, past the NAP, around the World, nothing but Net...."