W1 port address???

Ward Goodwin Jr. (wardish3@mtinter.net)
Tue, 29 Jul 1997 12:03:20 -0400

I am in the process of setting up a frame relay link. I am using a OR-HS
and it requires that the W1 port ip address be on a different network from
the ether0 port.

My ether0 is on my core network xxx.yyy.42/24

The OR-HS will be routing 2 /22 networks uuu.vvv.44/22
and rrr.sss.77/22

I am setting up locations for each frame customer such as this one for a
customer using a /26 subnet of one of the /22's.

OR-HS-1> show RG-1
Location: RG-1 Type: Sub-Interface
IP Address: rrr.sss.77.1 Netmask:
Protocol: Frame Relay Options: Routing, VJ-Comp
Group: 0 Mtu: 1500

IP DLCI's: DLCI Address
----- ------------

Now my W1 port is currently configured (testing...<G>) as a subnet of my
core network. (it worked.) It looks like this:

OR-HS-1> show w1
----------------------- Current Status - Port W1 ---------------------------
Input: 12578 Abort Errors: 0
Output: 7462 CRC Errors: 0
Pending: 0 Overrun Errors: 0
TX Errors: 0 Frame Errors: 0
Modem Status: DCD+ CTS+

Active Configuration Default Configuration
-------------------- ---------------------
Port Type: Netwrk Netwrk (Hardwired)
Line Speed: Ext 1536K Ext Clock
Modem Control: off off
Local Address: xxx.yyy.42.161 xxx.yyy.42.161
Interface: frmW1 (FRM,Quiet) (FRM,Quiet)
Mtu: 1500 1500
Dial Group: 0
Annex-D Poll: 10 (seconds)
Old DLCI List:

Now considering the above. What should the W1 port address be?

Should I subnet a /29 from one of the /22's to get an ip for the port?

I'm still green as grass as far as this stuff is concerned...<G> Any help
will be appreciated.

Ward R. Goodwin Jr. Mountain Internet, Inc. sysadmin@mtinter.net
System Administrator P.O. Box 1939 wardish@mtinter.net
Voice - (540) 935-4141 Grundy, VA 24614 Fax - (540) 935-5153
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