Multilink PPP & RFC 1717 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Thu, 24 Jul 1997 23:00:12 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time David Matthews shaped the electrons to say...
>product. I'm beginning to wonder if anyone at Livingston (especially those
>involved in putting together the manuals) has ever actually read the RFC.
>By the way, RFC 1717 explicitly states that in order to comply, the
>hardware/software involved needs to support the bonding of any interface
>regardless of it's speed or type.

I've read 1717 and 1990, and I just skimmed them again - maybe I missed it.
Can you post the fragment to which you are referring?

The closest thing I found is this in RFC 1717:
The goal of multilink operation is to coordinate multiple independent
links between a fixed pair of systems, providing a virtual link with
greater bandwidth than any of the constituent members. The aggregate
link, or bundle, is named by the pair of identifiers for two systems
connected by the multiple links. A system identifier may include
information provided by PPP Authentication [3] and information
provided by LCP negotiation. The bundled links can be different
physical links, as in multiple async lines, but may also be instances
of multiplexed links, such as ISDN, X.25 or Frame Relay. The links
may also be of different kinds, such as pairing dialup async links
with leased synchronous links.

And I don't see how you can get what you are claiming from this paragraph.
It does not indicate any requirements to support the different port types,
merely that it is possible.

But, as I said, I just skimmed it now to see if I could find what you were
referring to - please let me know.

>misrepresention we encountered (with Livingston sales people and techs and
>the online PM3 faq) is the claim that the PM3 supports 33.6's. To date, it

The datasheet online says 28.8 - I'll look for any other 33.6 references.
Officially, at the moment, we support 28.8K.

If someone else tells you otherwise, get their name and tell me.


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