Re: Off topic, ISP setup question

Sherwood Portmaster-List (
Thu, 24 Jul 1997 20:02:45 -1000 (HST)

On Thu, 24 Jul 1997, Jason Robbins wrote:

> >
> >
> > that's how I setup my customers, usually in 5-10 minutes if that over the
> This URL brings up a timely question for me. I'm working on an ISP web
> page, and want have good, detailed instructions on how to set up a
> connection. Mainly 95, but I also need instructions there for macs and
> win3.x. I'd like to blatantly plagiarize someone elses instructions; No
> need to re-invent this wheel. Where can I find the best install
> instructions on the web? I personally like the URL above, Sherwood, but
> I think it is a bit terse for the true newbies.

8) actually after having done it a few hundred times a person can smoothly
walk a person through the win95 install over the phone...

On macs and win3.1x there a few issues that are best handled by a
'technical' person...

We use freePPP etc for macs and have found that to be a blessing for
configuration, though you have to familiarize yourself with the layout and
this assumes that they have somehow gotten a copy of MacTCP. If they have
open transport then it's braindead, well I guess it is, I've never had to
deal with an opentransport problem except for when it first came out.

As for the win3.1x depending on the dialler... M$IE seems to make most
things simple and if you don't mind the downloading of 10MB+ then just
getting the M$IE 3.02 is just as simple to configure. I personally used
to use Trumpet extensively, but now find it a lil cumbersome, though I
haven't tried versions 3+...

> P.S. One of these days, I'd like to set up a snazzy install disk. Any
> pointers there would also be appreciated.

internet monkey for Mac, M$IE for M$... also there are others out there,
check the inet-access list for more info...

Aloha from Paradise,
