Re: BGP on dialup links? (fwd)

Douglas Warren (dwarren@alpha.NetUSA.Net)
Thu, 24 Jul 1997 11:28:32 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 24 Jul 1997, Howard Leadmon wrote:
> > Once upon a time Dick St.Peters shaped the electrons to say...
> > >I know most people will think it an insane question, but does the new
> > >Portmaster BGP4 run over dialup links?
> > I'm fairly sure that's a no.
> > We are looking at OSPF over dial links, a good case has been built for that.
> If someone can justify BGP over a dialup link I would love to hear that one..
> Heck, now days anything shy of 32 C's really won't propigate, and if
> someone has that big of a net to announce over a 28K dialup they
> really need to rethink connectivity options..

How about the same reason as having OSPF over Serial links? Emergency
Backup. Not sure if you know but Avi Freeman of Net Access in Phili
sells a service like this, for something like $200 or $300 a month, he
gives you an ISDN number, and whenever your main T-1 is down, you can
call the number (You pay long distance charges) and he'll announce your
routes via BGP. Great for the Cisco 25XX that has a built in BRI. Now
mind you, I'm not advocating this, I'd just like to be able to do OSPF
over dialup ports so that I can throw a Pop on ISDN if the FR Cloud
goes down.

|Douglas ``Wildcat'' Warren |Email:|  Jura gur tbireazrag
|Network/Security Consultant|Phone: (516) 543-0234    | bhgynjf Pelcgbtencul,
|President of SBCS a chapter|  Fax: (516) 543-0274    |  bayl pevzvanyf jvyy
|of the ACM.                |  PGP: finger dwarren    |     unir cevinpl