Re: V.FC support for the PM3

Adrian Carter (
Fri, 25 Jul 1997 01:05:00 +1000

At 03:59 PM 7/24/97 +0200, Oystein Homelien wrote:
>Some of our customers still have old V.FC modems which will only connect
>at 14400 to our PM3 at this time. As far as I can see, the PM3 does not
>at this time support V.FC. Even though this is a legacy standard, we feel
>that being a "carrier" operation we need to support it. I know for a fact
>that the Total Control racks seem to support it, but does or will the PM3
>software or cards support it eventually?

Here Here. This is one 'sticking' point that we have found with a
transition to PM3's. Several of our customers it seems have been sold V.FC
only cable modems, some only a few months ago even. It wasnt an issue under
our old setup of PM25's and MicroCom's, however, it came as a rude surprise
for some users when we switched over and they can only connect at 14.4k. We
wont get into the Avtek V.34 Modems that refuse to connect faster than
14.4k =)

Dont get me wrong. I agree that Livingston shouldnt be bundled with
supporting non ITU protocols. But I do think, based on my customer
response, there is enough end users still utilising V.FAST. At least here
at APIC. V.FAST would be a nice legacy addtion.

Just my 0.02 worth.


>Oystein Homelien | email:
>PowerTech Information Systems AS | voice: +47-2220-3330
> | address: Storgata 37, N-0182 OSLO

*Adrian Carter                                	Email:	*
*Network Administrator	 	              URL:	*
*The Asia Pacific Internet Company Pty Ltd	Autoresp:	*
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