Re: Fewer Modem Cards

Stephen Fisher (
Thu, 24 Jul 1997 09:36:56 -0600 (MDT)

I just tested this in my PM3 which has two trunk-side CT1's (ESF/B8ZS)
running ComOS 3.5.1b20.

I went through and turned off all unused modems, then I called into the
PM3. The call went through, I got a silence, and then about 10 seconds
later it hung up on me and I got a dial tone again. sigh.

As others have already responded, they say it should return a busy signal.
It doesn't for me.. what are the requirements? That the hunt group roll
over to another PM3?

It should return a busy signal anyway.. this kinda of behavior is starting
to defeat the fail-safe digital modem concepts.

On Thu, 24 Jul 1997, Christer Olsson wrote:

> > But seriously, besides the chance that >40 analog users will all call i=
> > at one time, with no ISDN callers at all, are there any drawbacks?
> We discussed that some time ago. Like the problem if you only have 40
> modemlines and a modem-caller is on the 41 line. Does he got a busy or
> only a silence from the portmaster? Someone from Livingston said he will
> get busy but I haven=B4t tried myself. But we=B4ll maybe do that in futur=
> because we=B4re only plans to buy a second 10-port modemcard for a total
> of 20 modems and hire 22-24 ISDN channels from the phone company (we can
> hire 8-30 ISDN-channels) giving us a total of 20 modems and a few ISDN
> in same time.