Re: Fluky Frame Relay Circuit

Kyle Platts (
Thu, 24 Jul 97 08:40:25 -0500

>I've been going round and round with US West on a circuit that =
dropping LMI. They are trying to blame it on my Adtran 56.64 =
OR-HS router.

Do you have an open ticket? Let me know what it is so I can look =
at it and it's past history.

>Funny thing is every time THEY swap out a board or change =
something, the
circuit starts working again.

The same thing would happen if you disconnect the circuit and put =
it back together. Also, initiating a loopback command forces the =
OCU to reverse polarity on the simplex current in the circuit and =
that can change the electrical characteristics of the circuit.

>It is back up again, but I'd like to test it before I place it =
back in
service. (We have another Point to Point circuit, we can use until =
line is stable). They have ran their tests and claim is it

They always do ;-)

>operational. Is there a command or program that I can use to =
packets back and forth between the router on their end and the =
IRX211 on
my end.

I would also suggest upgrading to the latest ComOS due to a bug in =
the previous code dealing with frame relay.=20

I am in class this week, but I can spend some time with you =
working on this next week.

Kyle Platts
!NTERPRISE Networking Services=