Fluky Frame Relay Circuit

Steve Fogelson (fogelst@ipsincorp.com)
Tue, 22 Jul 1997 11:47:56 -0500

I've been going round and round with US West on a circuit that keeps
dropping LMI. They are trying to blame it on my Adtran 56.64 DSU/CSU or
OR-HS router.

Funny thing is every time THEY swap out a board or change something, the
circuit starts working again.

It is back up again, but I'd like to test it before I place it back in
service. (We have another Point to Point circuit, we can use until this
line is stable). They have ran their tests and claim is it
operational. Is there a command or program that I can use to send
packets back and forth between the router on their end and the IRX211 on
my end.


Steve Fogelson
IPS Incorporated