Re: Fluky Frame Relay Circuit

Carl Oppedahl (
Tue, 22 Jul 1997 11:13:34 -0600

At 11:47 AM 07/22/97 -0500, Steve Fogelson wrote:

>I've been going round and round with US West on a circuit that keeps
>dropping LMI. They are trying to blame it on my Adtran 56.64 DSU/CSU or
>OR-HS router.

Well, your CSU/DSU is probably the most commonly used CSU/DSU in the world
-- I would consider it unlikely that there would be a compatibility
problem. I suppose your particular unit could have something wrong with
it, but that would be easy to figure out.

Are all the little green lights on? If not, something needs to be checked.

Does it pass its own self-test? Watch all the blinky lights when you power
it up.

Have you asked US West to do a remote loopback to your CSU/DSU? That's
easy to do, you just chat up US West's office at 800-227-2218 and push a
few buttons on your CSU/DSU, following the instructions in your user
manual. That should tell you if your frame relay line is healthy.

>Funny thing is every time THEY swap out a board or change something, the
>circuit starts working again.
>It is back up again, but I'd like to test it before I place it back in
>service. (We have another Point to Point circuit, we can use until this
>line is stable). They have ran their tests and claim is it
>operational. Is there a command or program that I can use to send
>packets back and forth between the router on their end and the IRX211 on
>my end.

When you say "the router on their end" I guess you mean US West's frame
relay packet router? THere is no way you can initiate such a test. But
you can have them do the loopback that I mentioned above.

I can't recall which release is which, but one of the OR-HS software
releases had some bug that kept LMI from being handled properly. You
didn't say what version your software is, but you might wish to post that
information so Livingston tech support can tell you if you need a new
version to fix that problem.

There's an instruction given in the Livingston software manual (set debug
something or another) that permits a display on your console of the LMI
information. You could use that to check for presence of the LMI packets.

There are so many things to get wrong. If you didn't have LMI turned on in
the router, then obviously LMI won't work. Are you counting on LMI to
permit setting up your routing? Frankly I prefer setting up my own DLCI
list by hand and setting up static routes for the DLCIs.

Best of luck. Post your software version number.

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