Re: Fewer Modem Cards

John Storms (
Wed, 23 Jul 1997 17:14:31 -0700

At 12:05 PM 7/23/97 -0700, Jon Rust wrote:
>It finally occured to me that with a user base of both ISDN and analog
>customers, it's HIGHLY unlikely that all 46 modems (48 for some of us)
>will ever be in use. With this in mind, are there any drawbacks to having
>only, say, 40 modems worth of cards in a PM-3?

>I've got months of RADIUS logs stored up, I wonder how tough it would be
>to parse through them and see what the max modem use was at any one

I would only parse back 3 months tops. I would imagine that as time goes
on the number of ISDN users relative to the number of Analog users is
increasing. You'll have to check if this is the case. If it is then the
longer you average the usage the more likely that your numbers will be
biased against ISDN usage.

Diplomacy:  The art of saying good doggie
while seaching for a big rock.