Re: Fewer Modem Cards

Marty Likier (
Thu, 24 Jul 1997 07:21:35 -0700

At 01:57 PM 7/24/97 +0200, Christer Olsson wrote:
>On Wed, 23 Jul 1997, Jon Rust wrote:
>> It finally occured to me that with a user base of both ISDN and analog=20
>> customers, it's HIGHLY unlikely that all 46 modems (48 for some of us)=20
>> will ever be in use. With this in mind, are there any drawbacks to having=
>> only, say, 40 modems worth of cards in a PM-3? It will still work, right?=
>> I mean, it won't turn into a pumpkin or anything will it? :-)
>> But seriously, besides the chance that >40 analog users will all call in=
>> at one time, with no ISDN callers at all, are there any drawbacks?
>We discussed that some time ago. Like the problem if you only have 40=20
>modemlines and a modem-caller is on the 41 line. Does he got a busy or=20
>only a silence from the portmaster? Someone from Livingston said he will=20
>get busy but I haven=B4t tried myself.

The PM3 will issue a busy, and if the circuit is provisioned for roll-over,
it will do just that.

Marty Likier
Product Marketing Mgr.